Bienvenue sur ce blog de recherche, d'expérimentation et de témoignage sur la manière de s'organiser pour l'économie circulaire.
Il est conçu selon un principe de recherche pratique et théorique et de cocréativité bienveillante. Il encourage l'initiative, et donc l'erreur. Il sera donc en mouvement, en construction permanente,
mais l'idée est d'expérimenter la collaboration.
N'hésitez donc pas à poster vos commentaires
même critiques mais toujours respectueux,
N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous souhaitez contribuer plus largement par des écrits plus conséquents.
à bientôt!
Anne-Claire Savy-Angeli,
ou pour faire plus court : ACSA

in this web site focused on
"how organizing the circular economy".
With this blog I intend to share, experimental, pratical and academic knowledge and know-how, about the Inclusive Circular Economy.
In August of 2015, France decided to give a whole part a law to Circular Economy. France is the country of Human Rights, but is also a very old country with a specific culture, sometimes too heavy to move easily towards the Circular Economy. French people usually don't feel very confortable with other languages. So Please forgive-me, this blog will be in french, but it is designed to be a window openned to others cultures and knowledges.
So, if you think your knowledge, research or experience could be useful in this area, please don't hesitate to contact me :
Of course, feel free to comment, what you could read on this blog, even in a critical way, but always gently.
Looking forward to reading you soon!
Anne-Claire Savy-Angeli : ACSA